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What today really means it's the it's the kickoff. Allen's public impact campaign. To involved and engaged all those around the country. To come together under the banner of the Reeve foundation. To advance our mission today's -- while we find tomorrow's cures. The -- -- brown foundation is has been there has meant sword and help many other people and joining forces with the refoundation. To our powerhouse together in the -- community the power of weak campaign is amazing it it involves a whole community gets assaulted gathered to really fight for one. One issue that's paralysis and coming together -- community to move toward the same goal and achieving that goal becomes a reality and a lot easier to succeed. Power and an -- without I think it's as an independent TV hits and ivory sand and what it means is that. -- -- -- -- -- According to need to look at it in the morning and night until -- That yeah -- in years. Com there's no other way to -- then we. My life begin its hair apparently wouldn't be nearly as easy as a warrant for people like -- Blazed trails and and made made things easier for us by you know being an advocate for fearless -- cord injuries for so many years. Me personally apparently had a very bad accident. And it. -- my my Monday. He has little else -- -- it's. Me every. That's coming up. -- -- It's. Not as close of market eloquently about it is coming up. Will -- make a real difference. Is I'm really not enough. As if you know what. -- -- raise 101000 dollars. For every -- an illusion. Not only a quarter million dollars. As -- -- Christopher. And they have -- today's. Care. This movie -- Both. Your generosity. Eunice. So. Thank you for being by -- side. Thank you -- my home. How we don't really help society here and I think I'll leave me call you. I just -- just one person and you didn't he -- Changes remote area of the -- -- -- It works. We will make a difference. -- gonna help us -- But the support is extraordinary. It really shows that this work is all about relationships and friendships and there's nobody better than that -- Alan brown. Allen was dearly devoted and loved by our founders Chris and Dana. And it's just come full circle and we feel -- and -- smile and laughter coming down on us tonight. In celebration of their dear friend Alan brown. Okay.
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